Every story begins with a sparkā€¦

Storyteller. Communication Expert. Audiophile. Writer.


Thomas Taylor standing in front of trees in fall peacoat

My love of storytelling started when I was young, driven by my English and History classes in high school, along with my love of reading, movies, and television. When I went to college, I initially went for Applied Media Arts with a focus on Filmmaking, but I knew there was a better path after a semester. Combining my love of storytelling with English and History, I entered the Communications field, graduating with a B.A. in Journalism and Public Relations with a concentration in Digital Media Production in 2021 and a Master of Arts in Communication Studies in 2023 from Pennwest University of Edinboro.

Over the past six years of my academic and professional career, I have worked with remarkable individuals and organizations, shaping my life and professional expertise. With WQLN Public Media, I learned how vital nonprofit media organizations are to the communities they serve. Two years as a Digital Media Specialist with the NWPA Beehive Network showed the importance of small businesses and nonprofits in society. The Beehive's public relations and marketing assistance led to award-winning work recognized by the Northwest Pennsylvania chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. My journalistic drive led me to freelance for the Erie Reader, improving my writing and storytelling skills. Internships and practicums for Your Sailing Adventure, the Erie Art Museum, and Ethos Copywriting for graduate school brought knowledge in social media management, content marketing, and website design.

Today, my goal is to use storytelling to create a positive impact on the world and pursue a career in Communications, working with small businesses and nonprofit organizations.

 My Professional Philosophy

  • When I switched my major to Journalism and Public Relations in my first semester of college, I realized the importance of good storytelling. From writing stories and newscasts to conducting interviews and research, it became imperative to understand how to communicate information effectively to the public. This discovery extended into my graduate studies when I worked with various small businesses and nonprofits on their branding and strategic communication. Whether in journalism, public relations, or marketing, understanding how to tell a story can improve communications with your core audience, leading to more engagement and success while attracting new customers.

  • Moving into a theory-based educational program for graduate school was challenging since I was primarily used to a practical-based program focusing on writing and digital media production. Soon, I realized how understanding Communication Theory and Research concepts strengthens your work's quality. The two sides are not opposed; instead, they work together. Theories such as Diffusion of Innovations and Walter Fisher's Narrative Paradigm can drastically improve your overall approach, while research methods give factual evidence to craft your communications strategy. Professionals should always have one hand in the academic field, as the theories and research taught at colleges and universities can lay the groundwork for the future of our industry.

  • I joined the Public Relations Student Society of America as Edinboro's Chapter President when I entered the graduate program. As I worked with different organizations and the Northwest Pennsylvania chapter of PRSA, I found a deeper understanding of ethics within the Communication field, expanding upon the Journalism Ethics class I took during my first year of college. An ethical approach to PR and marketing leads to success and a sustainable strategy that can improve the longevity of an organization, the success of its employees, and the lives of the public. I will always follow the PRSA Code of Ethics in all professional practices.

  • During my final semester of graduate school, I took a class on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace and how organizations implement strategies to improve their environment. Discussions and research from the course alongside experience in different workplaces showed me how essential it is for DEI in every business and nonprofit. It leads to a healthier work environment, improved company culture, creativity, and widespread success. I will advocate for DEI strategies implemented within the workplace by using research and consulting to create a measurable action plan. I will also utilize resources from PRSA to hold my field to a higher standard and improve DEI standards and best practices across all industries.

  • Everyone has a drive to continue to explore and learn new things. That started with my grandfather, as he helped shape my love of art, music, and the New York Times. Listening to NPR and watching PBS on the weekends as a kid was enlightening, which extended into college. I knew quickly as a journalist, you had to cover every topic under the sun, requiring much research and information dissemination. I took it in stride and found that in graduate school, it became essential. Communication professionals work in every industry, and you must familiarize yourself with evolving trends, technologies, and breakthroughs to keep up. Continuing education helps with professional development that keeps your mind sharp for any challenge and personal growth as a human being, improving quality of life and self-worth. From getting new certifications and interviewing people to keeping up with the news and learning a new hobby, lifelong learning leads to happiness and fulfillment in every area of life.

Wooden bookshelves with lighting from incandescent bulbs

Find your voice and tell the stories that speak to you.