Strategic Communicator. Brand Storyteller. Public Relations Specialist.

My name is Thomas Taylor. I recently graduated from the PennWest University of Edinboro with a Master of Arts in Communication Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Public Relations. My coursework and hands-on internship experience allow me to help forward-thinking small businesses, colleges, universities, and nonprofits flourish.

As a seasoned journalism, public relations, and marketing professional, I know strong communication is the cornerstone of organizational success. Businesses and nonprofits must communicate their brand, product or service offerings, core values, and differentiators.

From working with media organizations and business startup hubs to nonprofits, small businesses, and content marketing agencies, I have a proven track record of delivering professional-grade communications and marketing services. Whether you need someone to help you find your public relations opportunities or turn up the engagement on your social media, I’m ready to help.

Two people sitting down at a conference table during a meeting

A Strong and Comprehensive

Communications Strategy

My strategy combines time-tested best practices with leading-edge techniques. Based on Communication principles, this technique combines theory and research with practical skills from Journalism, Public Relations, and Marketing. By combining theoretical knowledge with applicable media skills, I ensure sustainable, ethical, and successful Communication practices that are adaptable to any organization.

Organizations can leverage my Communications approach by applying concepts from theories such as Diffusion of Innovations, Walter Fisher’s Narrative Paradigm, and the Hypodermic Needle Theory to build a strong base for their strategy. Combining concepts with factual evidence taken from the following research techniques can shape a comprehensive system:

  • Social Media/Website Audit

  • Surveys

  • Content Analysis

  • Interviews

  • Focus Groups

  • Observation

Media organizations, businesses, and nonprofits now have a multi-edged approach to their Communications by implementing theories and research into practice. This strategy engages your current audience and attracts new people to your brand.

Despite different industries and offerings, I’ve found a throughline between all the businesses and organizations I’ve helped: Storytelling is essential to effective communication. Every organization must know how to tell a story to convey messages, shape ideas, inspire change, and unite people. 

Good stories can connect with people and have them remember your service or product. Linking storytelling with your organization requires developing content in many forms.

A Focus On Storytelling in Branding and Content Marketing

  • Blog Posts

  • Social Media Content

  • Websites and Landing Pages

  • Videos and Podcasts

  • Books and eBooks

  • Emails and Newsletters

  • Press Releases

  • Case Studies

Think of your favorite book. It has characters that connect the reader to the story. It has action that keeps the reader engaged. There is a story ark that lets the reader walk away feeling fulfilled, creative, and inspired to interact. Those same storytelling concepts taught in any journalism and literature class apply to branding and content marketing. Having a clever narrative that encourages audience engagement and action is the core of storytelling in marketing.

I love stories in all mediums, and using those skills to bring an organization’s ideals to life is one of my core workplace philosophies.

A Professional and Ethical

Public Relations Strategy 

People looking at whiteboard during meeting

Businesses and nonprofit organizations require a professional and ethical PR strategy, especially when Crisis Management and Communications are required. As a member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), I know that keeping a professional communication standard between the organization and the public is essential. Maintaining it takes a commitment to advocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, and fairness. I will adhere to the PRSA Code of Ethics in any position I am in and ensure that ethical practices and professionalism are always maintained. 

I will build a comprehensive and consistent public relations plan by combining Communication Theory and Research with storytelling in branding and content marketing. My method for creating that plan draws inspiration from Organizational Development, with five steps from the OD process.

  • Drawing from the Communication Research methods, I look at the data gathered about businesses and nonprofit organizations through a social media/website audit that examines the company's web presence and how they convey their message.

    Surveys, interviews, focus groups, and analysis of press releases give insight into an organization's internal operations and how your customers view you.

    I also examine the region's media landscape by examining media coverage from newspapers, magazines, television, radio stations, and alternative publications. This analysis allows me to get a complete picture of the press coverage of your organization and what message it is sending to the public.

  • With my research from internal and external sources from the organization now in place, I can present my findings. This presentation includes a social media/website audit breakdown and an overview of your social media platforms, website analytics, and overall marketing strategies.

    Next, I review the results of any surveys, focus groups, and interviews to give you an internal and external perspective on your public relations strategy. This approach operates in an Open Systems Theory of Public Relations, meaning you are hearing feedback from the public alongside the employees within the company.

    Finally, I wrap up the presentation with a SWOT Analysis. I can examine your business or nonprofit organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with this strategic planning technique. This analysis method gives a clear, easy-to-understand perspective backed by established research on your organization's communication effectiveness.

  • Now that the research is in context, organizations can develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART) goals for future communication. Applicable to multiple marketing campaigns and objectives, the steps to achieve these goals show strong media and community relations, social responsibility, and a commitment to considering internal and external brand factors.

  • Coordination is required on all organizational levels when leaders make changes to meet goals. I will ensure that all employees within the business or nonprofit organization are shown value by keeping them in the loop of changes to your strategy.

    I will implement any public relations and marketing strategy changes in a precise manner. In the case of media relations, practices such as creating news releases, press kits, and interviews for brand promotion can ensure that the media coverage has the correct information.

    It is always important to provide outreach to the community through social media marketing and events. It shows you are there to help and fosters positive relationships with the individuals and organizations within your local neighborhood.

  • After allowing time for the new strategy to be implemented and become standard across the organization, I reflect on the plan's effectiveness and what needs to be changed. It is essential for proper feedback to be given from every member of an organization so everyone has a voice.

    The cycle of public relations and marketing emphasizes learning about missteps or mistakes and how to improve for the future. Through this experience, you will get to know your organization inside and out and better understand your goals, audiences, and strategies to succeed in your industry.

A Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) must become championed within the professional world as core values of businesses and nonprofit organizations. By making DEI a priority within the workplace, organizations and workers can benefit from the following:

I will advocate and implement DEI strategies by examining research on company demographics, organizational culture, and previous initiatives. After consulting with professionals within the company and outside firms specializing in DEI, I will create a comprehensive action plan with clear objectives and measurable goals. Ensuring the program's implementation across all levels of the organization will create accountability and a safer work environment for everyone. 

My commitment to DEI extends into the Communications profession, as I will utilize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion resources from PRSA to ensure the future of public relations embraces different experiences, perspectives, and voices. By holding the field of Public Relations to a higher standard, professionals across all industries can ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in firms and organizations by increasing DEI standards, resources, and best practices. 

  • A healthier company culture

  • A wider talent pool for hiring

  • Better financial performance

  • More creativity and innovation

  • Improved problem-solving skills

  • Flexibility to changing circumstances

  • Lower turnover and protection from burnout

Areas of Expertise

  • Typewriter typing the words "The Right To Write"

    Journalistic Writing & Content Marketing

  • Overhead view of a conference table during a meeting

    Public Relations & Strategic Communication

  • Three wooden tiles with the letters S, E, and O

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Social Media Management

Thomas Taylor graduation photo at PennWest Edinboro

Thomas Taylor is a PennWest University of Edinboro graduate with a Master of Arts in Communication Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Public Relations.